Saturday, May 10, 2008

Braiing on the beach with some PCVs. the blondie one to the right is my really good neighboring town friend, Jenn.
Little town o' Luderitz over Easter. View from my friends' window.
Katie, Loren, and myself on our penguin sail boat tour in Luderitz over Easter.

HAROLD BLOOM. My kitten-faced cat.
My friend Brooke walking through the Luderitz township with two small boys that held our hands the whole time. It was really fun. We kinda had a little kid following after a while. :)
Sunset in my little town o' Bethanie.
Me with my Herero neighbor at Community based training, North of Windhoek. I'm wearing traditional married Herero woman gear, which you're not supposed to smile in. HOT.

My friend Claire and I on the day we were sworn in as Peace Corps Volunteers.